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All products - Sewerage, drainage - Rainwater capture system

Line drainage

Manager: Viesturs Spārns - 67607859 (

Prices incl. VAT

Product list


Code   Product Pack. Unit Price EUR Img.
1730400 Black plastic channel w.plast. grating HexaLine 1m pcs 16.25
1730402 Black plastic channel w. galvan. Grat. HexaLine 1m pcs 18.80
1730406 Universal plastic elbow (black)Hexaline pcs 14.55
1730408 Assembly supplies Kit (black) Hexaline pcs 8.94
1730410 Channel end stopper black HexaLine with pipe D100 pcs 8.94
173061 Channel with no gride SELF Euroline 2.0 L=1m pcs 20.14
173062 Channel with no gride SELF Euroline 2.0 L=0,5m pcs 16.79
173063 Channel with no gride(vert.output)SELF Euroline1m pcs 32.44
173064 Sand trap with no gride Euroline 2.0 L0.5m h0.3m pcs 70.48
173066 Channel end stopper Hexaline/Euroline 2.0 pcs 3.35
1740005 Galvanized steel gride for Euroline 2.0 L=1m pcs 10.06
173067 Galvanized steel gride for Euroline 2.0 L=0,5m pcs 5.59
1740011 Cast iron grid for Euroline 2.0 B125, L=0,5m pcs 22.38
173065 Plastic gride for Euroline 2.0 channel B125, L0.5m pcs 19.14
1740000 Channel w. galvaniz. steel gride SELF Euroline 1m pcs   27.70
1740002 Channel w. galvani. steel gride SELF Euroline 0.5m pcs   15.99
1740004 Sand trap w.galvan.gride SELF Eurol. L0.5m h0.3m pcs   64.99
1740007 Channel w.cast iron gride(vert.output)SELFeurol.1m pcs   67.12
1740016 Siphon SELF Euroline pcs 7.83
1740018 ACO Raindrain Horizontal Foul Air-Trap pcs 16.79
1740019 Short pipe SELF Euroline pcs 3.46
1741100 ACO channel Multiline Sael-in V100S L=1m pcs 90.62
1741106 ACO Channel body with invert slope SEAL-IN V100S, L=1m pcs 90.62
1741102 ACO channel Multiline Sael-in V100S L=0.5m pcs 67.13
1741104 ACO channel Multiline Sael-in V100S L=0.5m with vertical outlet,D110 pcs 78.32
1741108 ACO Sand trap Seal-in, L0.5m h=0.46m, D110 pcs 212.57
1741110 ACO Sand trap Seal-in, L0.5m h=0.61m, D110 pcs 290.88
1741112 ACO channel Seal-in V100s end stopper,ABS pcs 22.38
1741114 Outlet 110mm diameter V100S, Multiline Seal-In,ACO pcs 44.75
1741116 Adaptor for flow direction change V100S, Seal-In, ACO pcs 67.46
1741118 Adaptor for corner, T and cross connection V100S, Seal-In d110, ACO pcs 96.99
1741120 Siphon Multiline Seal-In, SSt, D110 pcs 96.66
1741122 Leaf catcher Multiline Seal-In, D110 pcs 13.05
1741124 ACO Multiline SEAL-IN Horizontal Foul Air-Trap, D110 pcs 19.14
1742002 Cast iron gride Multiline V100 D400 L0.5m pcs 29.08
1742003 Cast iron gride Multiline V100 B125 L0.5m pcs 19.02
1742160 Plastic gride Multiline V100 channel B125, L0.5m pcs 15.67
17420021 Cast iron gride Multiline V100 C250 L=0.5m pcs 25.73
1742150 Multil. PP100 L1m,steel edge H15cm pcs 48.32
1742156 Pl. channel Multil. PP100 end stopper pcs 3.35
1742157 Pl. channel Multil. PP100 transit. V outp.D110 pcs 23.49
1742158 Pl. channel Multil. PP100 end stop.outp.D110 pcs 5.59
1742159 Multiline PP sump unit with silt bucket Dn100 pcs 239.99
487453 End cap closed RECYFIX PRO 100 HAURATON pcs 6.32
487455 Channel FASERFIX KS 100, F900, L=1m, HAURATON pcs 85.12
1740020 Assembly hook SELF Euroline pcs 19.47
1741957 Water seal 300 ml pcs 19.02
487465 Multiline Seal-in silicone 23g ACO pcs 5.04